
Welcome to Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College
Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College is one of the premier higher institutes in Lanka and situated at Udali Bazar in Hojai District. The college was established in 1997 founded by Mr. Idrish Ali Borbhuyan, M.A., (Retired Head Teacher, Udali High School). The academic session been started since 1997 with only Arts Stream and affiliated to Gauhati University. The College was included under section 12(B) in the year 2014. The College was provicialised under Provincialisation Act 2017 by Govt. of Assam w.e.f. February 2021.

Principal's Desk
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Governing Body
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Controller of exam.
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Principal Message
On behalf of Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Staff and Management of Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College, I offer my hearty welcome all the students as well as their parents and guardians to Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College.
Life is not a set of instructions, but it is a series of experiences and learning process. Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College is no exception.

Nassima Akhtara
Principal (I/C)
News/Upcoming Events
NAAC Peer Team is going to visit our college on 21st – 22nd February 2023
B.A. 5th Sem Online Admission 2022 is start’s from today.
B.A. 1st Sem Online Admission 2022 is start’s from today.





OUR VISIONTo ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
OUR MISSIONTo provide affordable quality education. Equipping Students with knowledge and skills. Inculcate value education. Realize their bull potential and Shape them into future leaders. Entrepreneurs and above all good human beings.
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS1. Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college as may be prescribed by the college authority. 2. Students must pay all the dues at the time of admission. Part payment will not be accepted. 3. Any kinds of ragging or teasing of student in the college campus are strictly prohibited. Strong disciplinary actions will be taken if anyone is found to be involved directly or indirectly in ragging. 4. Students will require at least 75 percent of attendance in each subject during each semester. Otherwise no student will be allowed to appear in sessional /final examination. 5. Wearing of college uniform is compulsory during college hours on all working days. 6. Students should park their vehicle only in the allotted place of parking. 7. Students must possess the college identity card. 8. Use of any kind of intoxicants or smoking in the college campus is strictly prohibited and punishable. 9. No student is allowed to move here and there or sit on the verandah during class hours and they must not do anything which may cause disturb teaching in the classroom. 10. No notice or leaflet can be circulated anywhere in the college premises without the approval of the Principal. 11. The courses of study in the college are full time course. No student can take any other course at another institution at the same time. 12. Overall power for enforcement and maintenance of discipline are vested with the Principal and his decision will be final in all such matters.
MIGRATIONStudents from boards or council or universities other than AHSEC will have to produce Migration Certificate at the time of admission.

Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College is one of the premier higher institutes in Lanka and situated at Udali Bazar in Hojai District. The college was established in 1997 founded by Mr. Idrish Ali Borbhuyan, M.A., (Retired Head Teacher, Udali High School). The academic session been started since 1997 with only Arts Stream and affiliated to Gauhati University. The College was included under section 12(B) in the year 2014. The College was provicialised under Provincialisation Act 2017 by Govt. of Assam w.e.f. February 2021.
We see ourselves as a forward looking group of passionate property professionals with the relevant experience to match.
More than 23 Years
of Experience
We work with ambitious leaders who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.