Principal Desk
PRINCIPAL (I/C) : Nassima Akhtara

From the Desk of the Principal
Jacques Delors has rightly said that Education is based on the four pillar of Learning to Be Learning to know Each other, Learning to Do, Learning to Live and share together.”
At Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College.. A futuristic college, we diligently follow the four pillars of education, endeavoring to groom our students into becoming whole some personalities, our professors guide the student to understand the world around them, develop an openness to the knowledge of one’s own and the others as that is what keeps him/her away from ignorance.
“COLLEGE – the abode of learning” influences the all round development of pupils. Education synonyms breeding, civilization, cultivation, Culture, development, discipline, training, tutoring and so on. Threading all these together, we strive to incorporate the four pillars.
Our curriculum and practices consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulation, and addressing the future needs of our students. Our staff consistently follows current trends.
We aim to empower our students in such a manner that they act as representative of meaningful and value-based society! We explore the possibilities in every individual students, hone their skills and make them capable in pursuit of worthy goals in the service of the nation and Humanity, Here comes the rule of cultural activities sports and Games and joyful experiential learning system is followed, where in each student is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly.
There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our student. One of these is roots, the other wings! Roots are offered by our parents and wings are handed down by us at college.
We at Alhaz Sunai Bibi Choudhury College, look forwarded to a long association with you. Let us join hands in grooming the young minds so that they may walk the path of life successfully.